Experienced Business Consultants in Dublin
Get help from experienced business consultants in Ireland and reap the advantages. Find out what we do and how we can improve your company.
By taking a fresh look at your business, our experienced marketing consultants in Dublin can bring new ideas and innovative approaches that could improve profitability and grow your business.
We support and encourage business owners to make the changes needed to develop and grow their businesses.
Contact Us Today
Call 01 853 2727 for your free initial consultation
Results You Can Achieve
Client A Construction Sector 14 months profits increased by 148%
Client B Service sector in 9 months profits increased by 40%
Client C IT Sector in 12 months profits increased by 32%.
Client Testimonials
Our Strategic Planning Services
Level 1: Strategic Plan
Get your pricing & priorities right- Annual Overhead Calculations.
- Margin flexible pricing calculations.
- 12-Month Sales Tracker.
- 12-Month Goals.
- 90-Day Goals.
Level 2: Strategic Plan
Know your value & grow sales- Annual Overhead Calculations.
- Margin flexible pricing calculations.
- 12-Month Sales Tracker.
- 12-Month Goals.
- 90-Day Goals.
- Competitor Analysis.
- Brief SWOT Analysis on business.
- Mission Statement & Unique Selling Points.
- Sales & Marketing Actions.
Level 3: Strategic Plan
Get your business growing- Annual Overhead Calculations.
- Margin flexible pricing calculations.
- 12-Month Sales Tracker.
- Product and Services Development.
- 12-Month Goals.
- 90-Day Goals.
- Competitor Analysis.
- Brief SWOT Analysis on business.
- Mission Statement & Unique Selling Points.
- Sales & Marketing Actions.
- Management Structure & Area of Responsibility.
- Review of Company Administration & Structure.
Who Uses Our Business Consultants in Dublin?

Sole Traders
- Health check on your business.
- Look for quick wins and avoiding any disasters.
- Strategy to grow your business.
- Increase profitability.
- Tools to increase efficiencies.

Limited Companies
- Strengthen decision making.
- Developing processes & systems for increased efficiency.
- Dealing with specific business operation problems.
- Succession planning or sale of the business.

Start Ups
- Business modelling and feasibility.
- How to get a business idea off the ground.
- Realistic business financial planning.
- Planning business priorities for best chance to succeed.
Quick Wins & Avoid Disasters Audit
- Pricing System in place.
- What margin is the business making?
- Are there sales areas that are more profitable?
- Are all quotes for large sales double-checked?
- Quotes turnaround time?
Cash Flow
- Are debtors up to date?
- Review debtors and put an action plan into place to bring in overdue cash.
Overhead & Cost Control
- Are they assets in the business that can be sold or financed?
- Can we get better credit terms from suppliers?
- Are there expensive loans that we can pay off?
- A quick review of overheads – Can any costs be eliminated?
- How can you stop unauthorised expenditures?
- Who has access to the bank accounts?
- Is payroll checked and hours of work signed off?
Staff Efficiency
- Are remote working staff properly monitored?
- Are staff efficiently rostered?
- What gaps are in the management system?
- How can the Managing Director save time?
Management Efficiency
- Are there weekly structured management meetings?
- Are monthly accounts done?
- Is there a stock control system?
Recommendations to boost performance
Get a health check on your business- Greenway’s management consultants will perform an audit of your existing business.
- We’ll use our quick wins method to find ways to boost your business’s performance.
- We’ll look for potential problems that may affect your business over the short/medium and long term.
- We’re available for project work to help get recommendations in place. (additional costs apply)
- Can be done in person (additional costs apply).
Why Hire A Business Consultant in Ireland?
Hiring our business consultant is an effective way to gain insight and advice from experts in their field.
With our knowledge and experience that our consultants bring, we are able to spot problems and develop strategies quickly. By learning how our experts can help your company, you can enjoy all the advantages they offer.
Our business consultants can help business owners make informed decisions to ensure future success. When it comes to getting help for your business, hiring a Greenway business consultant can be just the ticket.
Contact Us Today
Call 01 853 2727 for your free initial consultation
7 Steps to grow your business
1: Understand your business.
2: Quick profit wins & avoid disasters.
3: Agree on a strategic plan & put it into action.
4: Management Reporting Systems & Monthly accounts.
5: 90-Day Plans & Issue Lists.
6: Sales & Marketing Plans.
7: Managing Sales / Work Flow & Cash management.

Continue with Our Business Consultancy Services
We bring Discipline and Accountability to your Management Team.
We provide proven experienced management skills with a combined 50+ years in business.
We solve problems by creating efficient workflows & processes.
Running a business is a lonely place. We provide unbiased advice for the owners to make the best decisions for their businesses.
24/7 emergency phone advice service. We’re available in the event of a crisis or emergency to offer guidance and support.
Recurring Consultation Services
Prices for all budgets & projects- Monthly management meetings to measure performance vs targets.
- Review monthly accounts.
- Stick to business goals and focus on what’s important.
- Available for project work (additional costs apply)
- Can be done in person (additional costs apply)
- Weekly/Bi-weekly management meetings are also available. (additional costs apply)
Steps to Get Started

Contact Us
Contact us by phone at 01 853 2727. You can also book a consultation here.


Our advisors will take some information about your situation from you.


We offer you fair and balanced advice about how to achieve your goals.
Greenway Internal Management Team

Managing Director & Qualified Financial Advisor (QFA)
Adrian Gallagher has over 40 years of experience across a range of businesses. He began his career in the oil recycling & distribution business.
He and his fellow shareholders gradually built that business until it had over 500 people employed across Ireland, England and Scotland.
He and his partners then successfully sold this company to a major energy PLC and continued to work in the business at the board level.
Adrian has also held high-level operations roles in the publishing, events and media industry. Software companies, multiple oil distribution companies, financial services and the construction industry.
Whatever the size of the business, from 3 employees to 300, Adrian has experience in delivering results and can help you do the same with your own business.

Business Advisor
Ian was born in Portlaoise and studied creative digital media. He has worked for a number of businesses that heavily focused on customer experience. His primary role in Greenway is to manage all our online technology and customer relationships systems.
Having worked in a number of industries, Ian has specialised in customer experience and building customer relationships.
Ian strongly believes that online offering does not need to be a “one size fits all” offering. The customer can be offered a unique service tailored to their needs. In this way customers can get excellent service at affordable prices.

Tax Technician & Qualified Financial Advisor (QFA)
Debbie was born in Dublin and graduated from NCAD with a degree in Visual Communication. She brings a strong customer service background to Greenway.
Debbie qualified as APA in 2017 and a fully qualified financial advisor (QFA) in 2018. She believes that product knowledge is key to helping customers make the right choices.
In 2022 Debbie gained a tax qualification as a Technician Member of the Irish Taxation Institute.
In her spare time, Debbie is a member of an Improv Team.
Reliable Marketing Consultants in Dublin
Ultimately, our successful business consultants in Ireland can provide guidance to our clients during all stages of the business cycle.
We are excellent strategists and problem solvers who can help make sound decisions that will bring short-term solutions and long-term growth.
With our skilful insights, our business consultants can identify areas of improvement that can help create lasting success in the organization.
Our business consultants in Dublin can have a tremendous impact on an organization and its bottom line, as they help to reign in wasteful spending, identify creative solutions to challenges and create plans for growth.

How We Can Help You

Greenway Financial Advisors Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Registered No. C168372