The Ultimate Guide to Auto Enrolment for Pensions: Everything You Need to Know

by | Jan 21, 2025

Welcome to The Ultimate Guide to Auto Enrolment for Pensions: Everything You Need to Know.

Are you unsure about the complexities of pension schemes and how auto enrolment works? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the ins and outs of auto enrolment, ensuring you have a clear understanding of how it impacts you and your employees.

If you want a shorter guide we have also have this article to read: pension auto enrolment for employers.

Whether you’re a business owner, an HR professional, or an employee, this guide is designed to demystify the world of pensions and help you navigate through the requirements and responsibilities of auto enrolment.

From understanding your legal obligations and choosing the right pension scheme for your employees to ensuring compliance and managing opt-outs, we’ve got you covered.

By the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to implement auto enrolment smoothly and efficiently.

Plus, we’ll provide you with tips and strategies to maximise the benefits of auto enrolment and help your employees secure their financial future.

Don’t let the complexities of pensions overwhelm you. Let’s dive in and make auto enrolment work for you and your team.

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Understanding the basics of auto enrolment for pensions

Auto enrolment for pensions is a government initiative aimed at encouraging more people to save for their retirement.

It requires for eligible employees to be automatically enrolled into a pension scheme, making it easier for individuals to save without needing to take action themselves.

This system is designed to address the growing concern over inadequate retirement savings and to promote a retirement savings culture within the Irish workforce. 35% of workers in Ireland have no pension provision apart from the state pension.

By simplifying the process of getting people into a pension plan, the government hopes to improve the long-term financial security of individuals as they approach retirement age.

At its core, auto enrolment for pensions operates on the principle of inertia. Research has shown that many people tend to opt out of pension schemes when they have to make a decision actively.

By automatically enrolling employees, they are given the opportunity to save without the pressure of making a choice upfront.

This approach has proven effective in increasing participation rates in pension schemes.

Employers play a crucial role in the auto enrolment process. They must ensure eligible employees are enrolled, that the correct contributions are made to the chosen pension scheme and provide information to employees.

While the auto enrolment for pension system aims to simplify pension savings, it also imposes new responsibilities on employers, who must navigate the requirements and understand the implications of these regulations for their business and employees.

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Legal requirements and responsibilities for employers

Employers have specific legal obligations under the auto enrolment legislation, which was introduced in 2024. The primary requirement is to ensure eligible employees are enrolled in the scheme and make the required contributions.

Employers will need to make sure that employees are in:

  • The new auto enrolment pension scheme that will be run by the National Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings Authority (NAERSA) and to contribute to their pension savings. This pension scheme is called My Future Fund.


  • Setup an occupational/group pension scheme, PRSA or other pension that employees contribute to. These contributions must go through the payroll system.

Failing to comply with these requirements could result in significant penalties, including fines and legal action.

One of the first responsibilities for employers is to ensure employees who are eligible for auto enrolment are included.

Generally, this includes all employees aged between 23 and 60 years old. Earning €20,000 or more per annum across all employments and do not have an existing supplementary pensions coverage.

Employers should also regularly reassess their workforce, particularly when there are changes in employee circumstances, to ensure ongoing compliance with auto enrolment regulations.

In addition to enrolment, employers are responsible for making minimum contributions to their employees’ pensions. The contribution rates are set by the government and are subject to change over time.

As of now, the minimum contribution is a total of 3% of qualifying earnings, with at least 1.5% coming from the employer and 1.5% coming from the employee.

Employers must ensure that these contributions are made on time and accurately, as failure to do so can lead to compliance issues and potential financial penalties.

Employers will need to ensure that payroll software, when updated, can take instruction for enrolment, calculate and pay employee and employer contributions to NAERSA.

Eligibility criteria for employees

Understanding the eligibility criteria for auto enrolment is essential for both employers and employees.

To qualify for auto enrolment, employees must meet certain age and earnings thresholds. Specifically, an employee must be at least 23 years old and 60 years old, as well as earning €20,000 or more per year.

Even if an employee does not meet these criteria, they still have the right to opt into a the auto enrolment pension scheme.

Employers should monitor the eligibility of their workforce regularly. This involves reassessing employees for any changes in age or earnings that could affect their status.

If an employee becomes eligible for auto enrolment, they will be automatically enrolled in the My Future Fund auto enrolment pension scheme. The employer will have to ensure they make pension contributions for employees who join the scheme.

Employers should carefully evaluate pension schemes available to them, considering how they align with the eligibility requirements and the needs of their workforce.

Auto enrolment is just one pension option. Other providers can provide other pension options that may provide more flexibility to your employees.

How auto enrolment works in practice

In practice, auto enrolment involves several key steps. NAERSA, revenue and PAYE modernisation has created a system that should help reduce administration burdens on employers.

NAERSA will complete the following

Step 1: Auto-enrolment will be immediate for employees who have a clear earnings record of €20,000 or more. Employees will be enrolled unless:

  • Employee is a member of an occupational pension scheme, Retirement Annuity Contract (RAC) or has a Personal Retirement Savings Account (PRSA), where this is recorded in payroll, they will not be auto-enrolled.
  • Enrolment may take some time (up to 13 weeks) if the employee has just started work in an employment for the first time or has a gap between their prior and current employment(s). Contributions will not be backdated for the time it takes to determine eligibility.

Step 2: NAERSA will provide an employee and employer online portal that will allow the employee to manage their pension and the employer to manage contribution records and payments.

Step 3: NAERSA will send employers Automatic Enrolment Payroll Notification (AEPN) through payroll software.

Employers will complete the following

Step 1: Employers will need to apply the AEPN and the contributions to each employee’s payslip.

Step 2: Employers will then have to pay contributions at the same time as paying salaries.

If employers do not use payroll software, they will be facilitated on their employer portal.

If an employee is on unpaid leave (for example sick leave or maternity leave), contributions will not be deductible for the period of unpaid leave.

Step 3: Employers will have to use the NAERSA employer online portal to ensure all eligible employees are enrolled and contributions are been collected and paid.

Employees will complete the following

Step 1: The employee will be added to the default investment strategy, they can use their employee portal to change which investment fund they are in.

Step 2: manage their opt in or opt out of the auto enrolment pension.

The amount employees pay will be a set rate of your annual salary. The employer will match employee contributions, and the Government will contribute an additional amount. You cannot pay more or less than the set rate.

Year of auto-enrolment scheme Employee pays Employer pays Government pays
1 to 3 1.5% 1.5% 0.5%
4 to 6 3% 3% 1%
7 to 9 4.5% 4.5% 1.5%
10 and after 6% 6% 2%

Auto Enrolment Examples

Year of auto-enrolment scheme Employee pays Employer pays Government pays Added to pension fund each year
1 to 3 €411 €411 €137 €958
4 to 6 €821 €821 €274 €1,916
7 to 9 €1,232 €1,232 €411 €2,875
10 and after €1,643 €1,643 €548 €3,833


Auto Enrolment Example: Employee on €58,000

Year of auto-enrolment scheme Employee pays Employer pays Government pays Added to pension fund each year
1 to 3 €870 €870 €290 €2,030
4 to 6 €1,740 €1,740 €580 €4,060
7 to 9 €2,610 €2,610 €870 €6,090
10 and after €3,480 €3,480 €1,160 €8,120
From the above steps the process for employers should be reasonably simple as NAERSA will handle assessing the workforce to determine which employees are eligible for auto enrolment.

Employers should keep aware of the employees that are included and provide written communication to those employees, informing them of their automatic enrolment in the pension scheme and their rights.

Once employees are enrolled, the employer must ensure that the correct contributions are paid into the My Future Fund pension scheme. NAERSA will do the calculation for employers. This includes both the employer’s and employee’s contributions.

The employer is responsible for deducting the employee’s contribution from their pay and submitting the combined contributions to the pension provider at regular intervals, typically when salary is paid.

Additionally, employers must maintain clear records of all employees enrolled in the pension scheme, the contributions made.

This documentation is crucial for demonstrating compliance with auto enrolment regulations and will be required in the event of an audit. Regularly reviewing these records helps ensure that the employer remains compliant and can address any discrepancies promptly.

Employers do have some options when it comes to auto enrolment. They can choose to enrol employees into a pension scheme provided by another provider. As long as there are contributions on a employees payslip, they would be included for the My Future Fund auto enrolment pension provided by NAERSA.

Selecting the right pension scheme for auto enrolment is a critical decision for employers. There are several types of pension schemes available. Each option has its own set of features, costs, and benefits, so it’s essential for employers to consider what will work best for their workforce.

When choosing a pension scheme, employers should also consider factors such as the quality of investment options, the level of customer service provided by the pension provider, and the ease of administration.

It is advisable to conduct thorough research, seek recommendations from other businesses, and consult with financial advisors to ensure that the selected pension scheme aligns well with the organisation’s goals and the needs of its employees.

Handling opt-outs and opt-ins

While auto enrolment is designed to encourage employees to save for their future, some individuals may choose to opt out of the pension scheme. Employers must be prepared for this possibility and understand the process for handling opt-outs.

Employees have the right to opt out of the My Future Fund auto enrolment pension scheme. Employees are responsible managing their own opt in/opt out process through the NAERSA employee web portal.

An employee can only opt out of the auto enrolment pension scheme after 6 months. If an employee opts out of the auto enrolment scheme they will receive a refund of their contributions. An employee can also suspend contributions. In this instance they don’t receive a refund.

When an employee opts out, the employer should make sure NAERSA send an updated Automatic Enrolment Payroll Notification (AEPN) through payroll software.

Employers should also know where to find a record of opt-outs, as this information may be required for compliance reporting. It’s essential to remind employees that they can rejoin the pension scheme at any time.

Employers should be careful not to encourage employees to opt out of the NAERSA My Future Fund auto enrolment pension scheme without providing another pension option.

Employers who prevent employees joining the scheme or force employees to opt out or suspend contributions may be prosecuted and subject to fines and penalties.

Reporting and compliance with auto enrolment regulations

Compliance with auto enrolment regulations is essential for employers to avoid potential penalties and legal issues.

Employers should conduct regular assessments of their workforce to identify any new eligible employees or changes in circumstances for current employees.

This ensures that all eligible employees are enrolled properly and that the employer remains compliant with the regulations. Failure to operate the auto enrolment pension scheme correctly may result in regulatory scrutiny and financial penalties. Withheld or underpaid contributions will attract interest payments.

In addition to regular reporting, employers should stay informed about changes to pension legislation and adjust their practices accordingly.

By keeping abreast of industry developments and best practices, employers can proactively address potential compliance issues and enhance the overall effectiveness of their auto enrolment processes.

Engaging with professional advisors or attending industry seminars can be valuable for staying updated on compliance requirements.

Conclusions and Key Takeaways

In conclusion, auto enrolment is a significant development in Irelands approach to retirement savings, designed to simplify the process for employees and encourage greater participation in pension schemes.

Employers have a critical role to play in this system, ensuring employees are enrolled in a pension scheme, contributions are made correctly and compliance with regulations.

Understanding the complexities of auto enrolment allows employers to navigate this landscape confidently and effectively.

Key takeaways from this guide include the importance of understanding the legal requirements and responsibilities associated with auto enrolment, as well as the eligibility criteria for employees.

Employers should prioritise clear communication to help employees understand their pension options and the implications of opting in or out. Additionally, selecting a suitable pension scheme and maintaining compliance with reporting obligations are crucial to a successful auto enrolment process.

By embracing auto enrolment, employers not only fulfil their legal obligations but also contribute to the long-term financial security of their employees.

This initiative represents an opportunity for businesses to invest in their workforce’s future, fostering a culture of savings and financial awareness.

As we move forward, it is essential for both employers and employees to engage with this system actively, ensuring that everyone is equipped to secure a comfortable retirement.

Facts & Figures

Important dates

  • Introduction of the Auto-Enrolment Retirement Savings Scheme, called My Future Fund, will start from 30 September 2025.
  • Make sure employees are aware that they will be making pension contributions through auto enrolment.
  • Make sure payroll staff know how to process payments correctly.
  • Before this date ensure payroll software will work correctly.

Important figures

  • Employers must contribute to employee pensions. Year 1-3: 1.5%, Year 4-6: 3%, Year 7-9: 4.5%, Year 10+ 6% of salary.
  • Employees must contribute to their own pension: Year 1-3: 1.5%, Year 4-6: 3%, Year 7-9: 4.5%, Year 10+ 6% of salary.
  • Government pays: Year 1-3: 0.5%, Year 4-6: 1%, Year 7-9: 1.5%, Year 10+ 2% of salary.

Important Names

  • Auto enrolment pension scheme will be called: My Future Fund.
  • It is run by the National Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings Authority (NAERSA).
  • This is overseen by the Pensions Authority.
  • The WRC will handle complaints and investigations from employees about employers.


Auto Enrolment Pension Ireland

Pension Auto Enrolment is a government initiative that requires employers to automatically enrol eligible employees into a new auto-enrolment pension scheme if they are not already in a pension scheme.

The scheme was announced in October 2022. The plan was due to launch at the end of 2023 with the first payments due to be processed through the new system in 2024.

This has been pushed to 2025. With contributions starting from 30th September 2024.

This means that employers must be ready to make contributions for employees and make contributions to it on their behalf by the beginning of September of 2025.

Auto Enrolment Delayed

Auto enrolment has been delayed a number of times to solve issues and give stakeholders time to make changes to systems.

It was postponed to September 2025. This was intended to provide employers, employees, and service providers ample time to prepare for the scheme’s implementation.

Employers need to be ready to make contributions from 30th September 2025.

Auto Enrolment Calculator

As of now, there isn’t an official auto-enrolment pension calculator available for Ireland’s upcoming “My Future Fund” scheme, set to launch on 30 September 2025.

However, we have included to sample examples of what someone earning €27,378 per year. (Full time current minimum wage) and someone earning €58,000 in our blog post above.

Auto Enrolment Employer Contributions

Employers must contribute to the employees auto enrolment pensions. The contribution level is been phased in over a 10 year period.

The employee and employer contirbution is the same each year. It is calculated on the employees gross salary.

Year of the auto-enrolment scheme Employer Contribution Rate Employee Contribution Rate
1 to 3 1.5% 1.5%
4 to 6 3% 3%
7 to 9 4.5% 4.5%
10 and after 6% 6%


Auto Enrolment Contribution Levels

Employers and employees must contribute to auto enrolment pension. The contribution level is been phased in over a 10 year period. The Government will also contribute to each members pension.

Unlike occupational pension schemes, PRSA’s, personal pensions, executive pensions and master trusts you don’t receive income tax relief on the auto enrolment pension scheme.

The employee and employer contribution is the same each year. It is calculated on the employees gross salary.

Year of the auto-enrolment scheme Employer Contribution Rate Employee Contribution Rate Government Pays
1 to 3 1.5% 1.5% 0.5%
4 to 6 3% 3% 1%
7 to 9 4.5% 4.5% 1.5%
10 and after 6% 6% 2%


Debbie Cheevers

Debbie Cheevers

Qualified Financial Advisor (QFA), Retirement Planning Advisor (RPA), Technician Member of the Irish Taxation Institute

Debbie, a Dublin native, earned her degree in Visual Communication from NCAD before transitioning into the financial sector. She brings a strong customer service background to Greenway.

She became an Accredited Product Adviser (APA) in 2017 and achieved full qualification as a Financial Advisor (QFA) in 2018. Debbie has also added a tax qualification as a Technician Member of the Irish Taxation Institute and is a certified Retirement Planning Advisor (RPA).

With a deep belief in the power of product knowledge, she is committed to guiding clients toward informed financial decisions.

Greenway Financial Advisors Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Registered No. C168372