If you’re currently working, you might be wondering where your P60 revenue is right now. Especially if you’re planning on applying for a mortgage this year. (Many lenders require your P60 in Ireland for up to the previous 3 years for a mortgage application). Before...
What is Critical Illness Cover?

What is Critical Illness Cover?

Is critical illness cover the same as serious illness cover? Critical Illness Cover is indeed the same as Serious Illness Cover. It’s an insurance policy that pays you a tax-free lump sum if you are diagnosed with one of the specific illnesses or disabilities that...
5 Easy Steps to choose a financial advisor

5 Easy Steps to choose a financial advisor

5 easy steps to choose a financial advisor Whatever your income, everyone should get impartial & practical Financial Advice throughout their lives. Financial Advisors offer qualified expert advice. Remember, a good advisor has seen hundreds or thousands of cases....
Start Financial Planning Today!

Start Financial Planning Today!

Why Financially Plan? Tracking your income & expenditure gives you a road map to follow. Financial Planning allows you to plan for the future. Knowing where your money goes each month, and the savings you can make gives you certainty for achieving your goals. When...