How Much is The State Pension in Ireland?

How Much is The State Pension in Ireland?

As retirement approaches, one of the most pressing concerns is income. In Ireland, the state pension provides a regular source of income in later life. Understanding how much to expect is important when planning for the future. The amount paid out by the Irish state...
How to budget your money?

How to budget your money?

No matter what your financial situation is, knowing where your money is going each month is essential. Having a budget helps you be more in control of your finances and let you save money in the short and long term.  Here is how you can budget your money easily: 1....
Best Ways to Reduce Income Tax In Ireland

Best Ways to Reduce Income Tax In Ireland

Are you self-employed in Ireland? And, filing your income tax return every year? And want to know how to pay less tax as a self-employed person? This article is for you. If you want to save money on your taxes next year, know that there are many ways to do it. Filing...
What are avcs pensions?

What are avcs pensions?

Do you find yourself with extra money at the end of the month? If you are a pension scheme member, you can invest more money into your current pension. Indeed, you can achieve that by making what is called Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs). AVCs are a simple...
Pensions and divorce in Ireland

Pensions and divorce in Ireland

After the family home, the divorce pension is often the most valuable asset a divorcing couple can have. Therefore, you need to know what happens to it in the event of separation and divorce. Contact our separation and divorce advisors for more about how assets are...