
Self-employed pensions

Self-employed pensions

Self-employed pensions are designed for individuals who work for themselves. As a self-employed individual, it is essential for you to think about retirement and plan for the...

What Taxes Do You Pay On Investments

What Taxes Do You Pay On Investments

Are you confused about the taxes you pay on investments? What taxes do you pay on investments. Many investors find it challenging to understand the complexities of investment...

How much do I need for my pension?

How much do I need for my pension?

How much should I save for my pension? It’s a question we are often asked as financial advisors. When you’re starting a pension, the first thing you calculate is how much money...

What is SWOT Analysis in Business?

What is SWOT Analysis in Business?

Does your business struggle to identify its strengths and weaknesses or understand the opportunities and threats in your market? Feel like you're operating in the dark? Greenway...

5 Tips You Need to Ask About Money

5 Tips You Need to Ask About Money

Do you feel like you have no control over your money? Knowing the right questions to ask about money is the key to taking control of your finances. From budgeting to saving for...

What is business management?

What is business management?

Business management is a term lots of people search for. But what are they really looking for? Business management is the practice of leading a team or organisation to achieve...

How to budget your money?

How to budget your money?

No matter what your financial situation is, knowing where your money is going each month is essential. Having a budget helps you be more in control of your finances and let you...

What is a pension plan?

What is a pension plan?

You probably already know about pensions. But do you know the real meaning of a pension? A pension is the money you live on once you retire, you will use to live on when you...

What are avcs pensions?

What are avcs pensions?

Do you find yourself with extra money at the end of the month? If you are a pension scheme member, you can invest more money into your current pension. Indeed, you can achieve...

7 good reasons to start a pension

7 good reasons to start a pension

Today, we are talking about reasons why you should start a pension. Have you ever thought about what your life will be like once you retire? The best way to secure your future is...

Pensions and divorce in Ireland

Pensions and divorce in Ireland

After the family home, the divorce pension is often the most valuable asset a divorcing couple can have. Therefore, you need to know what happens to it in the event of separation...

Pension term insurance

Pension term insurance

What is Pension Term Insurance? Pension Term Insurance is a life insurance policy that covers you up until retirement. If you were to die before you reached retirement your...

How to save money in 2021

How to save money in 2021

Today, more than ever, it is important to have some money aside.  Whether it's for buying a home, getting out of debt, or achieving financial freedom, saving money is crucial....

Should I Invest Now?

Should I Invest Now?

top 5 tips for Beginner investors Find out what options you have for your savings and unexpected lump sums. Interest rates are low at the moment, but take some time to research,...

Your Credit Rating and COVID

Your Credit Rating and COVID

credit rating - What is it? Your credit rating is held with the Irish Credit Bureau. It is where all your financial payment history is stored. It shows your payment and loan...

7 tips to start a business

7 tips to start a business

7 tips to start a business in Ireland today. We’ve outlined 7 tips for when you're starting your business in Ireland. We have over 40 years of experience running all types of...

GDPR And Working From Home

GDPR And Working From Home

Greenway's Top 7 Gdpr tips GDPR caused a big panic in 2018 when the legislation came into force, and most of us made our workplaces GDPR-compliant. But what happens when the...

How to grow sales in ireland

How to grow sales in ireland

Tips to Grow Sales in Ireland Whether you sell products or services, you want to grow sales. We’re going to look at developing sales with business clients & private clients,...

Life Insurance and Coronavirus

Life Insurance and Coronavirus

How will the current Coronavirus & COVID-19 Pandemic affect your Life Insurance? There have been several news stories about insurance companies refusing to cover claims...

Working from home in Ireland

Working from home in Ireland

Working from home in Ireland Find out about working from home in Ireland, and what makes a good remote worker? Many people are trying to remote work for the first time. We’ve...

Welfare in Ireland and Coronavirus

Welfare in Ireland and Coronavirus

What are your Welfare options right now? - March 2020 If you’ve recently lost your job, or are now working on reduced hours, you need to know what welfare you’re entitled to, and...

Free Coronavirus Business Advice

Free Coronavirus Business Advice

Coronavirus Business Advice To help businesses during the coronavirus economic shock, we are making 5 FREE Coronavirus business advice consultations available. Just answer the...

Coronavirus mortgage repayment

Coronavirus mortgage repayment

Coronavirus & mortgage repayments. Coronavirus mortgage repayment, If you’re reading worrying stories about quarantines, and coronavirus, it’s important to know how this...

4 ways to save more money in 2020

4 ways to save more money in 2020

4 ways to save money in 2020 Trying to save money is often challenging, especially when you think that there is nothing left to cut.  Since the January blues are now over, take...



If you’re currently working, you might be wondering where your P60 revenue is right now. Especially if you’re planning on applying for a mortgage this year. (Many lenders require...

What is Critical Illness Cover?

What is Critical Illness Cover?

What is critical illness cover? Critical illness cover is a type of insurance designed to provide financial protection in the event that you're diagnosed with a severe illness....

What’s a PRSA Pension Explained

What’s a PRSA Pension Explained

PRSA or personal retirement savings account is a long-term personal pension plan that can let you save for retirement in a flexible way. Most people can get a PRSA pension in...

Simple guide to your pension options.

Simple guide to your pension options.

Pensions can be confusing and overwhelming at the best of times. At Greenway we focus on giving clear information to explain what is happening with Pensions in Ireland in 2019....

Start Financial Planning Today!

Start Financial Planning Today!

Why Financially Plan? Tracking your income & expenditure gives you a road map to follow. Financial Planning allows you to plan for the future. Knowing where your money goes...

Managing Your Money

Managing Your Money

Managing your money is crucial for your success at saving, but what does it mean? Do a search for ‘spending diary’, or ‘what I spent this week’. I would argue that out of the...

How Tax Reliefs Can Help You Save

How Tax Reliefs Can Help You Save

Savings can take a while. Don't become disheartened, tax reliefs could be a way to increase your savings quicker. If your savings are building slowly, don't be tempted to spend...

Financial Planning for Millennials

Financial Planning for Millennials

How Financial Planning can help cash-strapped Millennials: There are plenty of times when we wonder if we'll ever feel like adults. Financial Planning is a thing that makes us...

Is Online Life Insurance Safe?

Is Online Life Insurance Safe?

There have been some discussions in the news recently. Is your online life insurance safe? The Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman released their Overview of Complaints and...



What is a Funeral Insurance Plan? Funeral Insurance can be a number of things. It’s essentially a life insurance policy that pays out on death, with the sum being used to cover...

Update Your Life Insurance Policy

Update Your Life Insurance Policy

Congratulations! That’s brilliant! You got married, had a baby, stopped smoking - there are so many ways that life can change. Do you know that this can affect your life...